A new puppy is a lot of work and responsibility, and it is important to understand that they require a lot of time and commitment, as well as a lot of training, exercise and general care. There are many things families need to consider before bringing a new puppy home. Money is a major factor in having a dog, especially during the first year of a puppy's life. A family should first evaluate their financial status and determine if they will be able to comfortably meet a puppy's financial needs.
There are a few questions to discuss as a family to clarify how prepared you are for taking on a canine companion. Are you financially stable enough to pay for multiple vet visits (especially in the first year of life), raw food or high quality kibble, collars, leashes and various accessories? What about a wide variety of toys to stimulate your dog's mind and keep your puppy busy and out of trouble? There are other costs that could factor in, such as a dog crate, a dog bed, an outdoor kennel system or an exercise pen.

A new puppy is extremely exciting, and there is no limit to the joy and love a dog will bring in to your home. It is often said that a house is not a home until you get a dog, and I truly believe that. All that hard work and money invested really pays off in the end when that ever faithful dog lays quietly at your feet.
K9 Instinct