The interaction of CBD with your pets is a lot like the way it interacts with the human body. Every dog has an endocannabinoid system, just like humans do. This system uses sensors and receptors to establish communication throughout the body. This process is physiological, involving your pet's memory, mood, feelings of pain and appetite. Both humans and dogs have parts of the endocannabinoid system throughout their entire body. This is referred to as cannabinoid receptors.
CBD basically works in conjunction with cannabinoid receptors for the creation of beneficial effects on health. A study was conducted regarding dogs suffering from epilepsy. The results showed a decrease in epileptic seizures for 89 percent of the dogs in the study. This was due to the administration of CBD during a clinical trial. The doctors participating in the study stated although they believed additional research was necessary, using CBD was effective and safe for treating epileptic dogs.
The trial also showed CBD could be used for the treatment of neurological disorders in a variety of different animals including horses. This study barely scratched the surface of the potential health benefits of CBD for pets including cats and dogs. CBD has also been shown to be effective for relieving anxiety in pets.
CBD and Pain Relief
Studies have been conducted regarding CBD and pain relief for both humans and dogs. The results showed CBD offers powerful anti-inflammation effects and pain relief. This makes CBD a good option for treating pets with arthritis symptoms, general inflammation, pain related to nerves and joint pain. There is a reason CBD offers such powerful anti-inflammatory effects. This is believed to be connected to the way CBD interacts with the receptors.
CBD specifically interacts with the CB2 receptors. These receptors are located in the immune cells within the endocannabinoid system. This is believed to be the key reason CBD is effective for the treatment of so many different conditions. Once these receptors have been activated, the CBD is able to trigger a wide selection of immune responses.
CBD has calming and relaxing properties, This can help your cat or dog become comfortable enough to get a better night's sleep. This is especially beneficial for older cats and dogs who are suffering from anxiety that can make it harder to sleep due to restlessness. The last thing you want is to see your pet feeling uncomfortable, pacing or whining throughout the night. CBD has been shown to assist your pet in falling asleep and remaining asleep throughout the entire night.
CBD has been shown to be beneficial for pets with neurodegenerative diseases. Dogs are impacted by numerous different conditions such as nerve and spine issues and degenerative myelopathy. CBD has shown tremendous progress in all of these areas. CBD has been proven to be helpful for Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's and (ALS) Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis because it helps protect the cells of the brain from toxicity. CBD protects the brain of older dogs from cell death resulting from toxins and free radicals.
Research is currently being conducted regarding using CBD as a treatment for epilepsy and the associated symptoms for both dogs and humans. The results have been extremely promising. One of the most well known and acceptable uses of CBD for animals including dogs and cats is helping control epileptic seizures, spasms, tics and tremors. Even though there is no current scientific explanation regarding exactly how CBD works for epilepsy, numerous studies have shown CBD does help manage many of the symptoms of epilepsy. CBD also helps manage multiple sclerosis spasticity.
As your pet ages, the risk of malicious and cancerous tumors increases. Unfortunately, these tumors are fatal in the majority of cases. You already know there is currently no cure for cancer. The most frequently performed treatment for both humans and pets is chemotherapy. Unfortunately, this results in a lot of debilitating and negative side effects. This includes:
• Lethargy, fatigue and tiredness
• Vomiting
• Diarrhea
• Loss of appetite
There is more and more research demonstrating CBD may provide unique effects for anticancer. This includes decreasing the size of the tumors and providing protection against the appearance of more tumors.
CBD and Loss of Appetite
If your cat or dog is refusing to eat their food or has begun consuming less food than usual, adding CBD and making a change to their daily diet may help. CBD has already been proven to enhance the appetites of pets. CBD may also be able to decrease both vomiting and nausea. Both of these symptoms are serious for dogs and humans. This can cause a loss of appetite, fatigue, dehydration, rapid loss of weight and a lot more.
Aminopentamide, chlorpromazine and acepromazine all have serious and strong side effects for your pet. CBD may be a much better option. You can purchase natural fish oils containing CBD to help your pet without the nasty side effects.
CBD also:
• Improves joint mobility
• Relieves itchy and dry skin
• Provides natural anti-inflammation
• Supports your pet's immune system
• Soothes the pain of arthritis
• Promotes a healthy coat and skin
• Offers natural anti-oxidants
• Is a natural source of vitamins
Your Pet and CBD
CBD can be extremely effective and useful for pets including cats and dogs. CBD is a good option for helping your pet with numerous conditions including pain, seizures and sleeplessness. Your first choice does not have to be expensive drugs with potentially long-term or dangerous side effects. You can try CBD first. CBD can offer your pet the help they need without any of the negative side effects associated with prescription drugs.
The best way to find out if CBD can help your furry little friend is to try it. You can even combine CBD with a highly nutritious supplement. When you see results, you can make this a regular routine for your pet.