It is important to note no scientific studies regarding the use of CBD on pets have been conducted. Despite this, veterinarians and holistic doctors have both stated CBD is usually safe when consumed by pets such as dogs and cats. The possible side effects are generally lethargy or an upset stomach. Most side effects will disappear once the pet has become used to the CBD. If any side effect persists, you can simply stop giving CBD to your pet.
The biggest issue according to the medical community is the dosage your pet receives. In order to make certain your pet is safe and receives all of the benefits, you must ensure you are using the correct dosage of CBD. This will provide your pet with the best possible results as opposed to any undesirable consequences. CBD will help your pet with many of the same issues experienced by humans.
Over 100 different, natural chemical compounds have been identified in cannabis plants. CBD or cannabidiol is the compound used most frequently for medicinal purposes. CBD and THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) are different compounds of the plant. There is a lot of confusion regarding these compounds. THC is what provides users with a psychoactive or high feeling. Unlike THC, CBD is derived from the hemp plant. The THC content is so low, the CBD does not provide any mind-altering effects.
Despite how well CBD products work for animals, there is an issue regarding the legal classification of CBD. Even though the legal status remains somewhat unclear in numerous states, you can purchase CBD oil all over the country. CBD has been in legalized in numerous countries, but the restrictions differ. You do not need a medical cannabis card to purchase CBD in many different parts of the world. The position of the various governments is generally based on where the CBD was derived.
In the United States, the distinction is whether the CBD was derived from marijuana or hemp plants. If the THC content is below 0.3 percent, the CBD product is classified as hemp. There are currently no restrictions on hemp. The majority of CBD products you can purchase for your pet were made using hemp. This means your pet can safely consume these products.
Both CBD and marijuana offer potential medical benefits. The most important aspect is they are both considered safe. In certain U.S. states, CBD is illegal. You should research the laws for your state prior to giving your pet any CBD products. There are a lot of dog and cat owners who have stated CBD made an extremely positive difference for their pets, but the available research in this area is still limited. Your best option is to discuss the correct dosage for your pet with a vet.
If CBD is legal in your state, you can simply purchase products intended for pets. Some of the places you can purchase CBD such as online will provide you with dosage recommendations based on the weight of your pet. Ensuring you give your pet the correct dosage is incredibly important. The correct dosage offers your pet numerous medicinal benefits. An incorrect dosage may be ineffective or result in side effects.
For the most part, CBD is unregulated. This means finding the right product for your pet can be challenging. Whether you own a dog or a cat, you should read the label prior to purchasing the product. The ingredients should be clearly listed with no contaminants in the product. Your best options have labels stating Good Manufacturing Practices are being followed.
Whether the product is intended for humans or animals, every high-quality CBD product has a certificate of analysis. The creation of this document is performed by a third-party, independent lab. The document shows all of the lab results for the product. This includes the percentage of both THC and CBD in the product. The results of contaminant testing are also included. You should think twice before purchasing any product without a certificate of analysis.
The Behavior of Your Pet
The most important step you can take is paying close attention to the mood or behavior of your pet after they have consumed CBD. Side effects from CBD are generally not significant, but there is a potential reaction if your pet has been prescribed any drugs. If you see any changes in your pet, you should make an appointment with your vet. Your vet will know how to proceed. You should also research any potential reactions between CBD and any drugs you are giving your pet.